How to make project schedule in MS project

Preparing Project Schedule is very important part of the any construction project. It includes the project planning and organizing activites having specfic duration start and end, so that project manager overview the whole project. In addition, different tools and softwares are used in schedulling the activities like Primavera, Excel and Ms project. So, in this article we will see how to make project schedule in ms project.

What is Schedulling?

Construction schedulling or schedulling is a prepration of timeline of a project, in which various activites are arranged in a specfic order with a specfied start and finish date and resources are assigned to each activity. Several milestones are achieved during the construction of a specfic project. Furthermore, project team chooses several methods and techniques to accomplish each activity and project manager can track the progress of each activity.

What is MS project?

MS project is a project management software that is used in project schedulling across the world. Hence, working on this software is easy, you can create, organize and manage each task easily.

How to create a project schedule in ms project

There are several steps that are invole in creating a project schedule in ms project which are discussed here and explained in the video. So, read and watch the video.

Create a new project

Setup of constuction calander

Input Task and activites in sequence

Assigning start and finish date to tasks

Linking the tasks

Assigning Resources to tasks

Define critical path method for constuction

Schedule Baseline

How to create a project schedule in ms project

Project schedule in ms project

Below is how to get start in Ms project.

  • Get Info and Tools

First Thing First you must have information about the Project timeline, resources and participants. And then, you can proceed for next step.

  • Collect and Prioritize Tasks

Once we have a list of tasks, we’ll next need to put those tasks in order.
We can follow multiple ways to put these tasks. We can do this by using the tool, summary of tasks Or, other way is to just copy and paste the tasks, form the sheet where you have saved ( like from a excel sheet) and later on with the use of indent you can list them in each phase.

  • Add Duration

The next thing is take each of the tasks and give them a start and finish date. So, the bar charts on the Gantt chart will appear that represents the duration of the task.

  • Setup project calander

On the next, we need to set the canlander. So, can perform this task in the project calander option. Here, the defaualt cander is standard canlander with two days off in a week. So, if we need to make a new calander according to our requirements, we can just make a copy of standard calander and can set the working days.

  • Allocate Resources and Execute

On the next we need to allocate activities and resources. Once you have the people assigned to the work, the construction schedule is ready to continue work.

  • Review

You’ll need to look over the construction schedule throughout all project phases to make sure your actual progress aligns with your plan. So, look at your schedule daily and depending on your time, update frequently. Moreover, you can use our construction daily report template to keep track of the progress of your construction project.

What are the stages of construction project

  • There are 4 stages: Planning, Pre-construction, Construction, and Post-construction stage.

Read more: Use of BIM in Construction